Saturday, October 4, 2008

October 3, 2008

As you know, yesterday, we decided to stop any further "life saving" measures on Seth. Basically, this means we don't want him to suffer anymore. His little body has already been through so much. Neurology is not optimistic for a recovery. We are keeping Seth as comfortable as possible with medications and our presence. The biggest issue is that the more we keep him comfortable (with sedation, etc) the more that compromises his respiratory system. We have put a DNR in place and the includes the fact that Seth will not be re-intubated should that become necessary.

At this point, its between God & Seth. We are spending as much time with him as we can and LOVING on him like crazy. The doctors can't say if we'll have a few more days or weeks. I KNOW that our Saviour can give us years.. And we would happily take them but not at the expense of Seth's suffering.

If you're reading this, I"m asking you to continue praying for a miracle of healing for Seth. I know many of you have never stopped but I wanted you to hear from me that WE are still praying for and believing for that as well. We've just changed the circumstances under which we will let interventional medicine help! Thank you for loving & supporting our family.

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