Saturday, October 4, 2008

September 26, 2008

I wasn't going to send an update tonight (think "no news is good news".. or at least no new bad news!) but I've had a couple of voice mails and phone calls and realized people will be concerned if we're too quiet.

Seth is still intubated and being kept fairly sedated. The nurses made it a priority to let me hold him today (around all his tubes, it was quite an adventure!). He's still fighting a fever that comes & goes (no known signs of infection otherwise). As a bright spot to our day, the neurologist did apparently say (I was out of the room) that he thought Seth was a bit more reactive today. (Not that his parents can tell!).

We have a "care conference" tomorrow which is basically ameeting just to make sure we're all the same page. I'll probably send out a "newsy" update after that even if it's just re-capping (honestly, these updates help ME process things as much as keeping all of you informed!). Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.

"So we keep our eyes on God until He shows us his mercy" (from Psalm 123:2)

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