Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Some history

In August of 2007, my husband and I found out we were expecting our fourth child. Surprise! At that time we had 2 boys, 9 & 5 and a girl, not yet two. We were shocked. Once we got over that shock we were thrilled. We believe babies are a blessing and we were excited to see what God would work in our lives... As usual, we had NO idea what was in store for us!

On October 2nd, we recieved the phone call I'll never forget. I was 12 weeks pregnant and had done some prenatal testing the week before, an ultrasound that measures the "nuchal transparency fold" at the back of the baby's neck. Our baby's measured abnormally. This, we were told, could be a sign of a number of chromsonal abnormalities. Through additional testing, what we eventually discovered was our baby was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). In layman's terms, our son would be born with "half a heart" as the left ventricle never fully developed. Currently, this condition requires 3 surgeries, around birth, 5-6 months of age, 2- 3 years of age (at 30 lbs of weigh).

Our son, whom we named Seth, has had the first two surgeries. I'm posting some emails that I wrote during that time to fill in some history...

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